Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions for using Simplified Living Portal

Partner Registration

Simplified living is a portal for using important business processes for non- profit organizations and also for business enterprises. This portal has been designed and developed by Rensol Technologies Pvt Ltd, herein after referred as Rensol, having address at 632, lane No 3, Westend Marg, Saidullajab, Saket, New Delhi- 110030, India. www.rensoltechnologies.com

Those partners who are intending to promote this portal hereby agree to maintain the following terms and conditions by checking the checkbox.


Partner- An individual or a company who registers themselves with the portal as partners aiming to bring business to the portal. They agree to bring business by facilitating but not limited to associations, clubs, charities, societies or in other words customers to use the portal. Partners will receive part of the revenue earned as decided in writing between the Rensol and the partner, which will be initiated post registration.

Entities/customer – is either an individual or a company or an association or a charity or a club or whichever organization who chooses to use this portal

Member /user- People who use the portal and are attached to an entity or a customer.

Portal administrator- is basically Rensol Technologies Pvt. Ltd. or an employee of Rensol or a person assigned to be a portal administrator. From legal stand point, company is responsible

  • Individuals and companies can become partners once they register on-line with the portal. The administrator may ask for certain details of the partner for verification before the partner is given password to use this portal.
  • Partners can register individual entities or individuals, associations, clubs, charities and attach these organizations as entities or customers. Portal administrator may ask for certain details of partner again for verification purpose. The parties have to provide portal administrator with the information that he/she requires for entity/customer verification.
  • Partner should explain that the Entity/customer must ensure that they do not enter any objectionable content including but not limited to controversial text which has no relationship with the business conducted, objectionable pictures, videos not limited to just adult contents. Entity/customer will ensure that all materials, content entered or uploaded or forwarded by the entity or its members are contextually meaningful to the portal module being used.
  • Partners should spend enough time to understand the overall functionality of the portal module allowing him/her to brief the customers appropriately.
  • Partners will be able to generate report from the portal to check the amount of money collected by the portal administrator from the members of customer organizations of the said partner.
  • The partner will send an invoice of the amount that he/she can collect which will be a percentage of gross income of the portal as per written understanding on revenue share. Partners should bear in mind the membership fee, donation fee etc paid by the individuals or companies to the customers of portals are not incomes of the portal Company, as they have to be transferred to the respective customers, in other words related entities. However, there is a markup for service provider by the portal so this additional amount could be applicable to any or many of the transactions. This particular amount or the mark-up becomes gross income of the portal. A percentage of that as agreed with the partner will be transferred to partner’s bank account. The partner should interact with their customers/entities so that all the concerned people are comfortable in availing services as provided by the portal.
  • The partners should also actively engage to collect feedback and improvement for suggestion from the customers so that the portal can be improved from time to time.
  • Termination- both the parties can terminate the contract by giving 1 month of notice in writing. In case of termination, both the parties will endeavor not to make the customers feel inconvenienced, as a matter of fact, all existing commitments have to be met for one year from the date of termination of the contract.
  • Non-disclosure- the partner will not disclose any technical details or rate at which Simplified Living conducts business with the end customers to anybody.
  • The portal administrator hereby confirms that the payments that are due to be paid to the partner shall be made within a maximum time of one month. The partner commits that invoice will be raised by the partner only after the customers of the partner have paid for the amount due. In other words commission payments shall be made only after collection of the principal amount from the respective customers.
  • All payments by the members of the customer have to be made either by cheque by or credit card gateway or by cash to the customer. Portal administration team shall be responsible for managing the payment received through payment gateway only. Even though reports can be generated from the portal after the customer enters the cheque payment details and cash payment details.
  • Indemnification- This portal uses third party components such as CCAvenue. It is one of the reputed payment gateway agencies. There services are used by many well-known companies. In most unlikely situations, if there is any shortfall of services due to problems at banks end or at payment gateway end, the partner is indemnifying Simplified living portal and portal administrator against any loss or profit due to problems at payment gateway agency
  • Simplified living portal does not store credit card information or debit card information or any other card that may be used to pay entities/customers. Users or members or customers are hereby advised not to give away CVV or the internet password to any agency including but not limited to the bank connected to payment gateway service provider and also to the payment gateway service provider itself.
  • Refund- if a member has paid their dues online or through cheque or cash and want to cancel their transaction because of any reason including overpayment, the member has to take it up with the customer directly, as portal will simply pass the entire amount paid using credit card gateway only after deducting service charges, if any, that member has paid out to the customer using portal services.
  • Delivery and Shipping policy- Portal administrator or users will be able to generate reports themselves. The reports can be emailed to a particular email id. Passwords will be generated by the system and can also be emailed. There will be no physical dispatch of any material including, but, not limited to, reports or any documents that the portal generates.
  • Privacy policy- Portal administrator hereby declares that the names, contact details and any other related information regarding individual or portal or the customers will not be disclosed to any third party or for general public. However, it may be displayed depending on access rights within the purview of the customers’ viewing area for those who belong to the specific customer or entity.
  • Correct Product/service details with correct pricing structure- The portal will be used for coordination within the entities which may be of the type community or business. The portal will also be used for collecting membership fees, usage charges and also for fund raising for various communities and charities. The raised amount will be transferred to the entity within 1 week of receipt after deducting the service charge for giving the portal services. The service charges will be kept with the portal along with any applicable tax. The service charges may vary based on the policy of the portal and with the understanding with the entities. Whatever may be the amount collected for transferring to the entity and associated service charges it will show while using the portal. It may vary from module to module and based on several other conditions such as but not limited to effort of the portal company, prevailing price that the entities are willing to pay and quantum of engagement amongst various other parameters.

Entity Registration

Simplified living is a portal for using important business processes for non- profit organizations and also for business enterprises. This portal has been designed and developed by Rensol Technologies Pvt. Ltd., herein after referred as Rensol, having address at 632,lane No 3, Westend Marg, Saidullajab, Saket , New Delhi- 110030, India. www.rensoltechnologies.com

The entities who are intending to use this portal hereby agree to maintain the following terms and conditions by checking the checkbox.


Partner- An individual or a company who registers themselves with the portal as partners aiming to bring business to the portal. They agree to bring business by facilitating associations, clubs, and customers to use the portal. Partners will receive part of the revenue earned as decided in writing between the Rensol and the partner, which will be initiated post registration.

Entities/customer – is either an individual or a company or an association or a charity or a club or whichever organization who chooses to use this portal

Member /user- People who use the portal and are attached to an entity or a customer.

Portal administrator- is basically Rensol Technologies Pvt. Ltd. or an employee of Rensol or a person assigned to be a portal administrator. From legal stand point, company is responsible.

The relationship, role and responsibility of the entities and the partners and the portal administrator is defined as per the following terms and conditions -

  • Once an entity register itself, it will be allowed to create uses and upload content, data required depending on the module.
  • The entity can register themselves or through partners. While registering an entity, the portal administrator may ask for certain details of entities again for verification purpose. The parties have to provide portal administrator with the information that he/she requires for entity verification.
  • Entity/customer must ensure that they do not enter any objectionable content including but not limited to controversial text which has no relationship with the business conducted objectionable pictures, videos not limited to just adult contents. Entity/customer will ensure that all materials, content entered or uploaded or forwarded by the entity or its members are contextually meaningful to the portal module being used.
  • Entity should spend enough time to understand from the portal administrator or partner allowing the entity to use the portal appropriately.
  • The administrator the entity will be able to generate report from the portal to check the amount of money collected from the members of the entity.
  • Administrator of the entity- the portal will give administrative rights to an assigned person of the entity who will be treated as the administrator. The administrator will add various members of the entity to the portal enabling them to use the portal.
  • The entity should engage with its members to collect feedback and improvement for suggestion so that the portal can be improved from time to time.
  • Termination- Entities can terminate the contract by giving one month of notice. After one month, the terminated entity will not have access to the portal. Likewise there may be situations in which the portal administrator can also terminate by giving 1 month of notice. The obligations of both the parties will remain same as regards but not just limited to clearing of payments but also access to the portal should be ensured during the notice period and shall be terminated after the notice period. In case of termination the members of the entity will not be able to access the portal after the notice period or termination date, whichever is earlier.
  • Non-disclosure- the entity will not disclose any technical details or rate at which Simplified Living conducts business with the end customers to anybody. The portal administrator hereby confirms that the payments that are due to be paid to the partner shall be within a maximum time of 1 month.
  • All payments by the members of the customer has to be made either by cheque by or credit card gateway or by cash to the customer. Portal administration team shall be responsible for managing the payment received through payment gateway only. Even though reports can be generated from the portal after the customer enters the cheque payment details and cash payment details.
  • Indemnification- This portal uses third party services such as CCAvenue. It is one of the reputed payment gateway agencies. There services are used by many well-known companies. In most unlikely situations, if there is any shortfall of services due to problems at banks end or at payment gateway’s end, even though the portal will work with the payment gateway service provider and resolve the issue, the partner and the entity is indemnifying Simplified living portal and portal administrator against any loss or profit due to problems at payment gateway agency.
  • Simplified living portal does not store credit card information or debit card information or any other card that may be used to pay the partners and their entities/customer are hereby advised not to give away CVV or the internet password to any individuals from including but not limited to the bank connected to payment gateway service provider and also to the payment gateway service provider itself.
  • Refund- if a customer/member has paid their dues online or through cheque and want to cancel their transaction, then the money shall be refunded by the entity to the member based on their understanding, as portal will transfer the amount collected to the entity in any case.
  • Delivery and Shipping policy- Portal administrator or users will be able to generate reports themselves. The reports can be emailed to a particular email id. Passwords will be generated by the system and can also be emailed. There will be no physical dispatch of any reports or any documents.
  • Online registration - Referred in point 2.
  • Privacy policy- - Portal administrator hereby declares that the names, contact details and any other related information regarding individual or portal or the customers will not be disclosed to any third party or for general public. However, it may be displayed depending on access rights within the purview of the customers’ viewing area for those who belong to the specific customer or entity.
  • Correct Product/service details with correct pricing structure.- The portal will be used for fund raising and for service charge. The fund raising amount will be transferred to the entity within 1 week of receipt. The service charge for giving the portal services will be kept with the portal along with any applicable tax. The service charges may vary based on the policy of the portal and with the written understanding with the entities. Whatever may be the amount collected for transferring to the entity and associated service charges it will show while using the portal. It may vary from module to module and based on several other conditions such as but not limited to effort of the portal company prevailing price that the entities are willing to pay and quantum of engagement amongst various other parameters. Whatever may be the situation, such transactions shall take place in accordance with the written and signed agreements between the portal and the entity.